No doubt, it was a great camp! : )
Nothing beats spending time with
every single one of them.
It definitely felt more like a camp this year,
with ALOT of meaning behind each activity planned.
I'm sure we all had benifited from the camp. Well, I
sure did. I learnt more about teambonding, cooperation,
respect. I even got to know so much more about our juniors,
and also, some teammates. Afterall, we're still a team, its
great getting to know one and another, bonding with them : )

Rachel, Sandra, Grace, Me, Debbie and Mary.
We were groupleaders for one of the activities.
Alright back to camp.
Night/Faith walk. It was such a long walk.
With Debbie behind me half the time, screaming away
and holding onto me like mad whenever she was touched
or scared by someone. Haha, such an idiot know but I still
love my sexy yes! The whole walk ended at twelve plus,
nearly one. By the time we bathed and all, it was nearly two.
FAREWELL. It was sad ) :
Like I've said, I can't believe five years of journey in IJ
BASKETBALL is soon, coming to an end. All the friends
I've met this past few years, the seniors who taught and
helped me so much in one way or another. Sheila esp.
All the trainings I've been to, all the criticism I'd to bear
from Mr Tan, all the encouragements, support from all
the teammates. All the hanging out after trainings. All
the games played on court with every single one of them.
All the competitions we've been through together. All the
serious senior-junior talks we used to have. All the effort
we put into our orientation performance just to get more
sec ones to join the team.
Five years, so much of memories, so much I treasure, so
much I can barely let go, so much I don't even know
how to put them to words. So much I don't want to leave.
I am very very thankful yet again, for Rachel especially.
You have been such a great captain, teammate and friend.
You made me feel so much part of this team, you made me
want to come for trainings, you made me more serious bout
trainings. I remember how I was so enthu about basketball
til it came to bout sec two/three when I started slackening
cos I felt distant from everyone. I didnt feel like part of a
team til you came along. Vague as it may seem, its true.
I agree with every single thing Sheila said on the night of
farewell about you. You have been such a great captain.
The best out of the 5 years I've been in basketball I would
gladly say. I love you dear! : )
Also, to Guan, Debbie, Mary, Sammie, Sandra, Esther, Sally,
Kerine, Davina, Grace, the both Jos, mainly all the sec fours,
it was my lost not knowing you'll well til after I'd retained.
I'm so glad, and I am really seriously touched that you'll
accepted me and made me feel so part of this team, you'll
made me feel so much happier in basketball. You'll made
trainings so much more fun, I love you'll.
Sec threes, you'll be taking over as seniors very very soon.
No worries, I'm sure you'll be able to do a good job!
Chow, stop doubting yourself. I have faith in you,
you'll be a good captain too. : )
Sec ones, I'm so so touched by you'll too. I wish I could
have many more years with you'll. Six months with you'll
have been great. Seeing you'll grow slowly, bit by bit.
Every training, I see improvements. I'm so happy.
Continue to train hard sec ones, and you'll will see
the effort being paid off during the upcoming matches.
You'll can do it! : )
Its amazing, it really is. How basketball brought me this far.
The many many many wonderful teammates, I really dont
want to leave. It hurts, so much.
I'll quote from Rachel: this team is so awesome. so special. though we are portrayed as trouble makers and a cca that people shouldn't even consider joining. but yknow what. beneath that layer of utmost DECEIT lies a special bond. an indescribable bond. its like.. we feel so comfortable around each other. like family. united in whatever dysfunctionality. its just such a wonderful feeling that i cannot write down in words. you just have to be there to feel it for yourself. but one thing stays true, i never regretted ever joining bball in sec 1. it has taught me so many valuable lessons that life has to offer. and it has also moulded me into who i am today. I LOVE IJ BBALL.
Its true, Once an IJ basketballer, always an IJ basketballer.
Feel the passion, Love the Game.
Pictures will be up very soon.
Oh thank you very much for the presents too.
Though many things happened in the process, I'm glad
we all learn from them, forgive and forget. : )
For the very touching/sweet notes which
made me tear. AH I DONT WANT TO LEAVE ):
I dont want to leave IJ to start with.
This reminds me only of one thing:
O's are coming. Four more months.
Its so fucking fast, I'm so fucking scared.
I miss you still.
So tonight I'll sit and pick apart your pictures
And overanalyze your words
But the truth is that
I've never fallen so hard
It's taken everything in me
I had the notion that you'd make me forget the world
But your undecisive mind shows me that
I am yet, "just another girl"
I had the feeling that those looks you gave me were real
What if I ripped your heart apart at the seams
Maybe then you'd know how I feel
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